I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
I give honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. As a servant of His contending for the faith is a. must. The time we are living in allows for personal opinions, emotions, disrespect, tantrums by Saints to exists and be excused. But the word of God does not support such. The Lord has been reminding me more recently that I did not just start to follow after Him. And when I pray I say but it feels just as new now as it did when I first got it. Praise God. I still know the sound of holiness. I still contend for holiness. I am not confused about holiness. I am not trying to live in the world and profess Christ too. The ways of the Lord are never going to change. The word of God, the Bible, is the blue print for salvation. It is the blue print on how to get it and how to keep it. By it i mean the Holy Ghost and salvation. For there is no such thing as once saved always saved. Saints now days want to sin and be holy at the same time. Impossible and it is up to those in ministry to keep the path straight. if the pulpit is afraid to correct someone because they do not want offend that is a wrong move. All that want to go to heaven should welcome correct on this side so the judgment on "that side" won't he eternity in hell. Yes, hell. To some hell is a 'hate word'. Well, the Bible speaks often of it. To those that are working out your salvation with fear and trembling, take the rebuke and correction. If the pastor is not living right, do not use that as a reason to not obey. Ask God to lead you a ministry that is teaching and preaching the truth so when correction comes it will be right. Correction, rebuke is part of being saved. We all need it. As long we are in the flesh we all will need correction and rebuke. I have found that those that are working out their salvation take correction so rebuke never becomes necessary. Rebuke is for the hard headed, self will, stiff neck, rebellious. Saints welcome correction and don't want rebuke. If you obey the correction you will not have to face rebuke. In addition, too many are playing with the doctrine. There was a time when one did and could not go before a people to preach or teach unless there was evidence of a holy life. It did not matter how educated, or well versed one was, if the evidence was not there one sat until it was. Today, too many are talking and the talk and teaching is not scriptural sound. This generates confusion. And who does the Bible say is the author of confusion? The devil. Too many jump and run from holiness to luke warm so their sins will not be addressed. Wrong move again. For the wages of sin is still death. Running to a new assembly will not dismiss the sin nor bring about repentance. Jesus said the day you hear his voice, harden not your heart!! I preached a message yesterday entitled, The Most Uncomfortable Feeling in the World is rejected conviction. This happens when God is trying to convict a soul of sin, and the person, refuses to accept the conviction. Wrong move again. I give God the praise and glory for all he is doing and all he has done. Holiness is still right!! Holiness means separation from the world. If you take on the name of Apostolic or Pentecostal, you have to be holy. Other wise, you are a liar. And according to the word of God, a liar can not tarry in his sight. Amen
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