Sp Many people say this, but do not mean it. When I say do not mean it, I am talking about the way the person lives and presents themselves. For if it is all about Jesus, then His commandments will be obeyed.
We are living in a day when there is much confusion and many false doctrines. A majority of the doctrines being taught are not based on the foundation of the word of God., the Bible. There is an all out assault on the doctrine of Holiness and sanctification. It use to be you could tell a sinner from a Saint. They dressed different, acted different, talked different. I saw a photo recently of a Holiness preachers wife and she looked like a street woman!! And those that professed to be holy complimented her. Forgive me, but such is not what the tenants of scripture teach as relates to living a holy life. I am not speaking of new converts. I am speaking of those that have been on this walk for decades!!! But what chance does a new convert have to be saved like the Bible teaches if those responsible for teaching them have false doctrine? I see how the enemy is causing division. When aspects of holiness are labeled as 'old school' that causes the youth to not want it. And then to get and keep the youth, the church will lowered the standard. This has got to stop!! God is not pleased with folks leading souls the wrong way. it really matters not if some no longer believe you have to have a standard. It is still required. The word of God teaches to come out from among them and be ye separate (II Corinthians 6:17). As a matter of fact, the word of God says, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." It is the preachers job to keep the word of God relevant for the generation in which he or she lives. Just because something is new, does not mean the church has to embrace it. For example, carrying a Bible. Most now use their cell phone or tablet in Church to read the scriptures of to preach from. Is it wrong? Maybe not. Is it sinful? Maybe not. Is it necessary? No. Reading from an electronic device will cause a soul not to depend on the Holy Ghost. If a preacher can not preach without notes on an electronic device, there is a problem. For it is the Holy Ghost that gives the word. But when that electronic device is used to respond to emails , etc, now there is a problem. For how can where will the attention be if emails are being read or videos are being posted and watched during Church?? Children are even being allowed to play games on electronic devices in Church. What is that teaching them? If it is all about Jesus, then we need to conduct ourselves accordingly. We need to die out to self and have the mind to obey the Word and the Holy Ghost. The Bible says if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. If you continue on in what you were before you professed salvation, then you need to go back and do your first works over. The Bible also teaches to hide the word of God in your heart. Its hard to get it in your heart when your heart is hard and dependent on an electronic device. Has it now become 'old fashion and old school' to actually read a hard copy of the Bible?? Has it? Jesus wept.
December 2024
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