It has been years now since the Lord spoke to my heart concerning christmas. I think my oldest child was around nine or ten. Up until this time, I was all for this day. I would put up a tree, buy presence, wake the kids at midnight to open the presents, make holiday decorations and crafts, mail christmas cards, go to christmas functions and put the radio on to place christmas music 24 hours a day for about two week leading up to that day. We would bake cookies. I would put surprises in the kids stockings, which they looked forward to each day. Then something happened.
I was summer if I remember right. I had just began to seek the Lord for real. I had gone to church with a friend, The preacher preached about holiness and sin like I had never heard before. The Lord started drawing me to salvation through repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus for the remission of my sins and being filled with the Holy Ghost as evidenced by speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. I had gotten baptized in the Name of Jesus. Reading and studying the Bible became a new way of life. When I did not understand something, I would go to the word of God and see what the Bible said about it. I would also pray and ask the Lord for understanding. On this particular day as I walked across the garage of my home the Lord impressed in my spirit as I passed the boxed christmas tree, "I am not in that". I remember it like it was yesterday. I looked at that tree, went over to it, picked it up and drug it to the curb to be picked up by the garbage man. I pulled out decorations and threw them out too. It was the same feeling of conviction I got about pants, jewelry, make up. I had thrown them out to at the leading of the Lord. The Pastor did not teach me Christmas was not of the Lord. The Lord taught me. He spoke it to my heart and soul. I had no problem getting rid of all thing associated with christmas!! Next I searched it out to make sure of what the Bible says about christmas. When I could not find anything remotely in scripture to support celebrating christmas, I repented to God for all the years I had participated in it and all the years I had taught my children to observe it. I remember my oldest child cried when I drug the tree to the curb. She did not understand the change. I would have Bible studies with my children and we would search things out in the word of God. Over time, my children realized the Bible does not support celebrating christmas. In order to learn the history of christmas, you have to go to secular sources. And, everyone of them support christmas being a pagan holiday. God did not start it. Jesus did not start it, the Apostles did not start it, the church at Antioch did not start it. Christmas is pagan. Christmas stems from a pagan celebration around the winter soltice, not Jesus Christ. The other thing about the birth of Christ is the fact that Jesus is not a different from God. Because, Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. For there is only one God. So Jesus was not born so to speak. He was made manifest. God has always been. But that's a different study. Many will disagree with me, I know. I don't argue the point. I know what I know. I know what the Lord said. I know what the Bible teaches and it does not teach Christmas. Think about this. Celebrating the birth of Christ does nothing. The Bible says "Thou believes that there is one God: thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble". James 2:19 The devil knows there is one God. I have had to say, 'well, you celebrate your birthday. why can't I celebrate Jesus' birthday?". Simple, I was born, Two people got together and made me. God/Jesus has always been and He did not say to celebrate his birth. The other fact, exactly what day was Jesus born? The Bible does not say. The new birth is what Jesus is concerned with. Souls being born again of the water and the Spirit!! It is my prayer that souls will begin or go back to seeing if what they believe is of the Lord. Jeremiah 10:2a says, "Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen". Christmas is pagan.
December 2024
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