While preaching the Sunday morning message, it dawned on me that too many are doing Church work and not Kingdom work. There is a difference. Church work is at the discretion of the local assembly based on what the assembly wants or feels the need to do. Kingdom work involves doing the will of God at His command and leading. The Bible declares it is not the will of God for any to perish, but that all will come to repentance.
Over the course of the last year and a half I have seen many leave their ministry duties because of feelings. They left the Sunday School class. They left the Bible study class. They left women's classes. They left the out reach ministry. They left the nursing home ministry. They left being involved with kingdom work. Each was the lead for their section and they just walked away. No regard for the souls at all. It was not until this past Sunday that the Lord allowed me to see the magnitude of disrespect, dishonor for kingdom work each of them had. They could not put aside their feelings to commit to the work of the Lord and yet they say they want to be used??? Voids and gaps were left in the ministry because of it. In addition the fact had to be faced that even those they were people who had been around for years. They each professed to having the Holy Ghost. But they each walked away from their post because of feelings. Feelings, that only they know. Built up hardness of heart and coldness. Getting souls saved is kingdom work. Showing up for church, going home and doing nothing for the sake of souls being saved.......is selfish. Jesus commanded to go out into they highways and by ways and compel men and tell men. But feelings or desire for position to appear important succeeds the command of God. Did they forget that they should be about their fathers business? Did they forget that the Lord said you have to deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Him daily? Did they forget that if it had not been for a person denying themselves and witnessing to them, they would not have known about Jesus Christ? Did they forget the time spent helping their children and then have not problem walking away from someone else's children? In this past year and a half I have seen the slackness in believers. The contentment with not being a soul winner. The contentment with sitting on the pew, going home, putting the Bible on a shelf until the next church service. No one studies for Sunday School or Bible study in advance of the class. There is no praise. No testimony. Only, request for the Lord to 'bless me and work things out for me', but no concern for the souls of others. No life, no witness, no joy no concern for the unsaved. I witnessed this. God continues to remind me of what His word says. "Men shall become lovers of themselves more than lovers of God." "Evil men and seducing spirits shall wax worse and worse." "Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof." "lovers of the world more than lovers of God". Shake the dust and move on. Scripture is being fulfilled. It is time to stand on and for the word of God like never before. It is time for the unsaved to get saved. Hell is real. Hell is hot.
July 2024
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