The Bible study lesson on last night was a great reminder that God sees everything. God is omniscient (He has total knowledge; he knows everything). He sees everything that His people go through. He sees the devil and his imps trying to make the people of God turn away from God. He sees the devil seeking whom he may devour. He sees the wicked setting traps and snares for the Saints. God sees the wicked plotting against the just. God sees every struggle, every pain. Nothing is hidden from God (Hebrews 4:13).
The scripture text was I Kings 21:1-7;17-20. Ahab wanted to buy Naboth's vineyard, which was Naboth's inheritance. When Naboth refused to sell, Ahab went home, pounting (verse 4). Ahab's wife, Jezebel, stepped in and said "I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezereelite. She proceeded to have false letters written and placed Ahab's signature on them. The letters contained falsehoods against Naboth. He was falsely accused of blasphemy. As a result, Naboth was led out of the city and stoned to death. Ahab, the king of Israel at the time, did nothing to stop an innocent man from being killed. A good man was killed behind a lie. But God saw what was done. God called for the prophet Elijah to go and seek Ahab out and speak a word to him. God knew exactly where Ahab was (verse 18). God told Elijah what to say (verse 19). When Ahab heard the judgment of God against him, he tore his clothes, humbled himself, put sackcloth on, fasted (verse 27). Because of this, God spoke to Elijah and told him to tell Ahab, "Seest thou how Ahab humbleth himself before me? because he humbled himself before me, I will not bring the evil IN HIS DAY; but in HIS SON'S DAYS WILL I BRING THE EVIL UPON HIS HOUSE."- verse 29. Jezebel lost her life (II Kings 9:33). Ahab was killed in battle (I Kings 22:1-38 All of those in the house of Ahab, including his 70 sons, was killed too (II Kings 9:11; II Kings 10:7). The heads of his sons were cut off and placed in baskets. God sees everything. God is the avenger of the righteous. If God does not execute judgment quickly does not mean he has forgotten. Sometimes it appears as if the wicked are winning, but they are not. In God's own time He will take care of the wicked. Several verses in Psalms 37 lets it be known that the wicked shall not prevail in the end. So fret not thyself because of evildoers (verse 1). The wicked shall soon be cut down (verse 2). Evildoers shall be cut off (verse 9). The wicked shall perish (verse 20). Transgressors shall be destroyed together (verse 38). This lesson is also a reminder of why the Gospel must be preached. Why sin must be preached against and called out. God does not forget. The wages of sin is death.
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December 2024
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