Anyone one remember this song? 'When we all get to Heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we will sing and shout the victory.'
But, everybody talking about heaven is not going. I love this song. The desire is to see the Lord's face in peace. In order to do this, there are things that have to be right in the life. Going to heaven is not automatic. The Lord gives each 24 hours in a day to 'redeem wisely'. Seeking the Lord and his righteousness is necessary to seeing His face in peace. The Bible teaches that God is angry with the wicked every day (Psalms 7:11). Living contrary to the word of God will keep a soul from seeing the Lord in peace. Be admonished to seek the Lord until you find him. Do not settle for a religious experience. Marvel not, you must be born again (John 3:7). Go to a REAL Bible preaching church and sit up under the word of God. Let that word renew and transform your mind. For your thoughts are not His thoughts. One has to become a new creature in Christ. Many believe they are already saved and Heaven ready. Yet the fruit of their life and the fruit of their thoughts is not according to the teachings of scripture. We are running out of time. Jesus Christ is on HIs way back. And, He is coming back for a church without spot or blemish. "That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish."- Ephesians 5:27
December 2024
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