I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Time passes so quickly. Things change so quickly. But there is one thing that does not change and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. I specify the Lord Jesus Christ because it is not enough to say God any more. There are so many false gods today just like there are so many false religions. When asked what makes holiness right, it the answer is because that is what God said to be, Holy in all manner of conversation (I Peter 1:15). He also said to follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). So holiness is not an option if one plans on going to Heaven. It has always been this way. Once challenge to day is finding witnesses, true witnesses. For there are many that say the love Jesus and are saved. But did they do what it takes to get saved? Talking about salvation does not mean one is saved. Talking about Jesus does not mean one is saved. There is more to it than that. The Bible teaches that in the last days many would depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (I Timothy 4:1). Many profess holiness, but are not living life the way the Bible teaches a holy person should live. And this is not about comparing oneself to anyone else. But it is about examining yourself to see whether or not you are in the faith. Every tree is known by his own fruit. How do you get 'saved'? The condensed, blog answer is one starts with repentance. When God created man and placed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden the world was perfect. Adam and Eve were perfect. Then the serpent came with words and Eve at of the fruit from the tree God said not to eat from. She then gave the same fruit to Adam to eat, and sin entered the perfect world and the two perfect people were not flawed because of disobedience to God. Now everyone born from Adam and Eve's off spring to babies in 2022, all are born into sin. From the flood until today, God has been seeking to redeem mankind back into fellowship with Him. The Old Testament way did not change or touch the heart of men. Mankind would make sacrifices for sin, but still continue to live in sin. Then God came Himself in the person of Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice. The Bible tells us the the word is God and this word was made flesh (Jesus Christ) and dwelt among us. Jesus lived a sin free life and is the perfect example that it is possible to live without sin through Him. Since it has always been God's way that blood must be shed for sacrifices to be excepted by Him, Jesus had to die on the cross and shed His blood for the sins of the world. The Bible says He that knew no sin became sin. And after Jesus was crucified and placed in a borrowed tomb, He rose of the 3rd day with all power in His hand. But He could not stay on earth after He rose. He had to leave so the comforter (Holy Ghost) could come and be available to fill the repentant soul. Why does one need to be filled with the Holy Ghost? Because the Bible teaches that without God's Spirit you are none of His (Romans 8:9). Now man no longer has to kill animals to offer up for his sins. Jesus is the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world (John 1:19). Those that hear this, believe it, except it by repenting of their sins (cleans the heart out), gets baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38), shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and become born again of the water and the Spirit. I admonish you to find a holiness church and start attending Bible Study. Allow some one to teach you the ways of the Lord. For the Bible says, "how shall they hear without a preacher". Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the fight of God is eternal life THROUGH JESUS CHRIST out Lord. Eternity is a long time and time is running out. Start looking for a church.
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