This past Tuesday for Bible Study, we looked at what the word of God has to say about the tabernacle. Studying the Old Testament helps a person understand the ways of the Lord. After reading just some of the scriptures, my heart and soul was touched greatly. Here is what the Word says.
When God delivered Israel out of Egypt, he wanted a means by which he could be among his people (Exodus 25:8 "Let me make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them). God has always desired to be among his people. God commanded Moses to make our build a tabernacle, or movable tent. The Bible tells us the tabernacle was in Gilgal for 7 years, then it moved to Shiloh. It remained in Shiloh during the time of Judges, till the days of Eli. The tabernacle was located in a courtyard that was 150 feet long, 75 feet wide and 15 feet high. The tabernacle itself was 45 feet long, 15 feet wide and 15 feet high. Inside the tabernacle was two sections. One was called the Holy Place. The second section, where the Ark of the Covenant was placed, is called the Holy of Holy. The Holy of Holies place measured 15 feet high, 15 feet wide and 15 high. The 'fence' around the tabernacle was made of so many different materials. All, of which were donated by the children of Israel, God's people. Then we learned that the tabernacle was built using materials purchased or given by the people. The Bible says they gave so, until Moses had to tell them to stop (Exodus 36:6,7). We learned why the Levites were chosen to minister in the tabernacle. And, it had nothing to do with music or praise. The Levites were chosen due to the fact that they did not worship the golden calf that was made by Aaron while Moses was on the mountain receiving instruction from God. When Moses came down from the mountain and he found Israel worshiping the golden calf, he asked the question, "who is on the Lord's side? Let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him". Exodus 32:26. The Levites without hesitation chose God to serve. Thus, they were given the responsibility to carry the tabernacle. The Levites were responsible for carrying the tabernacle from place to place, setting it up and taking it down (Numbers 4:22-28). Aaron and his sons were Levites also. We learned that the tabernacle followed 'the cloud'. The cloud was representation of the presence of the Lord (Exodus 40:18,19; Numbers 10:11,12. Israel would take the tent down, pack it up, follow the glory cloud until it came to a stand still. Then the Levites would set the tabernacle up in the middle of the people and God's presence would be there. I could go on an on for I found it over whelming studying this. As I looked at the tabernacle and asked God what does all that mean for His people in 2017? This is what it means. No longer is there a building or Ark of the Covenant to represent or carry the presence of God. Now we have the Holy Ghost and the tabernacle the Holy Ghost is to rest or reside in is the body of his people. This is why it is necessary to be filled with the Holy Ghost. God wants to still dwell in the midst of his people. When you are filled with the Holy Ghost, God is dwelling in the midst of you!! Oh, praise God!! The Lord from the beginning wanted to be in the midst of his people. The Levites were given charge of the tabernacle. No one else could touch or handle it. The same hold true today. Those that do not have the Holy Ghost do not have the right to serve in any capacity in the Church. The Levites had to be clean when they served. From their cloths to their bodies, they had to be clean. They do not qualify if they have not chosen to be on the Lord side. For in the midst of corruption, the tribe of Levi did not participate and chose God's way. The Saint today must also earnestly contend for the faith, come out from among them and be ye separate from the world. And, just like the tabernacle followed the glory cloud, the Saint today must follow the lead of the Holy Ghost. When the Lord says move, you move. When the Lord says stop, you stop. The spirit of God still wants to lead his people in 2017. All church services should be for the glory of God. Foolishness, plays, dancing, etc when the Church gathers is out of order ( I am not talking about dancing in the Holy Ghost). I am speaking of foolish, flesh acts taking place during church services. Flesh should never be glorified in church. Never!! If you want to honor the Pastor, rent a banquet hall or restaurant the event, not the Church. Oh, amen!! This is just the tip of all that can be learned from studying the tabernacle. There is so much more that can be added to what has been written in this lesson. The Saint can not take the Church for granted. Any time there is church service, you need to be there. So many are doing what they want to do when they want to and are not following the lead of the Holy Ghost. God never speaks outside of his word. What kind of tabernacle are you? Are you following the Holy Ghost? Are you clean? It is not too late to get cleaned up.
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