The Lord at no time gave man the right to 'come up with' or 'invent a new way' for souls to enter into Heaven. When a person says the Lord called him or her to preach, that means they are to say what He has already said, teach what He has already taught and be a living witness of His holiness.
The call from God requires sanctification, obedience and a heart to serve. When Jesus called the twelve He gave them instructions. The first instruction He gave was to "follow me" (Matthew 4:19). The word follow means, to go or come after; move behind in the same direction, to accept as a guide or leader, to conform to, comply with or act in accordance with; obey, to folow orders, to imitate or copy. So when Jesus said to 'follow me' he was telling the twelve to do what he does the way he does it. Do not add or take from it. With that being said, lets look at ministry just a bit. Ministry is about saving souls. In order to save souls, the word of God must be preached and taught. The foundation of salvation is repentance from sin. Many professing to be called of God to preach do not preach against sin. Many that profess to walk in the Apostolic Faith do not cast out devils any more, lay hands with power or have prayer lines. Many no longer preach against sin or preach Holiness. When Jesus began his earthly ministry as recorded in the book of Matthew, He was first tempted by the devil (Mt. 4:1-11). Prior to that in Mt. chapter one, the Bible says, "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21 Jesus did not come to just show up. He came to save. After he was tempted by the devil, he called the twelve then he went and taught (Matthew chapters five, six, seven. In chapter 8, a leper came and worshipped him. The leper asked Jesus if would make him whole. Jesus healed him. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus gave the twelve power against unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Question, what is your Church doing? What does your Pastor do? It is far too common now for a church service to consist of singing, dancing a sweet, cute words. More singing takes place now than anything. Is this what Jesus did? No. Then there are those that will say, 'we want the church to be inviting to the unsaved.' To that I would asked, "is this what Jesus said to do? Make the church inviting to sinners? No, He didn't Much more could be written about this. In conclusion, the Church needs to be the Church. Preachers need to preach against sin and not allow the unsaved to 'minister'. The Bible says one must be born again of the water and the Spirit to see/enter the kingdom of God. In order to be born again, sin must be repented of, baptism in the Name of Jesus for the remission of sin must take place, then getting filled with the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other tongues and the Spirit gives utterance. How shall they hear without a preacher? If you called yourself to preach, step down, because you are not going to do it the way the Lord said to do it. If your organization told you you are a preacher, step down. If a relative told you you are a preacher, step down. God called preachers preach and teach against sin. God called preachers minister in the Holy Ghost. God called preachers suffer persecution because of the truth they preach. God called preachers have a real annointing. Eternity is a long time. Stop playing.
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