There is a song that has the following words in it: "Can't you see the sign of the times. Don't you know the time is short. Soon the Lord, He will return...."
Earth quakes in California. Hail in Mexico. Hot temperatures in Alaska. Murders are on the rise. Crime is on the rise. Families are being broke up. Children are being misused. The love of many has waxed cold. Men have become on a greater scale than ever before, lovers of themselves more than lovers of God. Sickness and disease are at an all time high. Discipline and self control hardly exists any more. Jesus is on His way back. During the radio broadcast this morning it became more certain to this preacher that preaching the Gospel, preaching and teaching against sin is needed now more than ever. Yes, there will be a price to pay. But in the end, serving the Lord is going to pay off after while. In the book of Acts chapter 26, Apostle Paul is recalling how the lord called him on the road to Damascus. In verses 16-18 the directions from the Lord are straight and to the point; "But rise and stand upon they feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make the a minister and a witness both of these things which thous has seen, and of those things in the which i will appreciate unto thee: Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee. TO OPEN THEIR EYES, AND TO TURN THEM FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT, AND FROM THE POSER OF satan UNTO GOD, THAT THEY MAN RECEIVE FORGIVENESS OF SINS, AND INHERITANCE AMONG THEM WHICH ARE SANCTIFIED BY FAITH THAT IS IN ME." This is still God's requirement for the preacher. The laws of the land may change. Men, as they gather together, may come up with new ways of doing things to 'attract the youth'. But these ways will never work to the saving of the soul. In just this past month, many I have know personally have died. One this morning. Knowing someone that dies always causes me to ask myself if I am ready to meet the Lord? Am I ready to stand in the judgement? Have I completed the work He called me to do. This web site is not for popularity. It is a vehicle to use to let a soul know if he or she is looking for Christ, they can find Him at Steadfast Apostolic Church. Many have come through the doors over the years. Many have fell to the wayside. But we are still here. I can badly declare that Jesus is Lord, Savior. I can badly declare that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. I can boldly declare that you must be born again of the water and the Spirit to go to Heaven. Majority does not rule. Jesus does. Mankind can make all the laws they want to make ungodly things lawful. But all their laws will not change what God has already said. I would admonish the Saints to draw closer to the Lord. And always remember, that if the righteous scarcely make it in, where will the ungodly and sinner appear? Holiness is still right.
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