Praise the Lord everyone. Praise the Lord!!
2023 is just about over. Many have left this world during the year. Many have faced unknown and unwelcome challenges. The Lords church has come under attack by false leaders and false doctrine. The fall away that the Bible speaks of is happening daily. Many are departing from the faith that was once delivered to the Saints (I Thessalonians 2:3) when God said to contend for the faith that was once delivered (Jude 1:3). Many when they hear Apostolic or Pentecostal, immediately they think of dancing, shouting, fast music. But no where in the Bible is that taught. Yes, the Holy Ghost and its power working in a life will cause joy to swell up in the soul and that person may dance before the Lord like David did. But to dance and shout just because music is playing?? There is more to being holy than identifying as Apostolic or Pentecostal. For one can profess both and not be converted (born again of the water and the Spirit). The new life in Jesus causes one to want to pray, seek the Lord, fast, go to church, hear the word of God preached/taught to them, fellowship with like minded believers and study the word of God for themselves. The born again believer does not seek positions and titles. He or she seeks to be more like Jesus. The assignment for Steadfast Apostolic Church is to continue in the faith that was once delivered to the Saints and to teach and preach the same. We are not distracted by the tricks of the enemy. We are not trying to get people to follow people. We are trying to get souls saved so he or she can live holy before the Lord. We do not beg for money, sell dinners or such to make money for the church. If the tithe and the offering can not sustain the work, then it is time to move on and see what the Lord desires from us. Souls belong to God (Ezekiel 18:4). This particular verse of scripture goes on to say, "the soul that sinneth, it shall die." Holiness is God's requirement (Hebrews 12:14) which says, "Follow peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." I Peter 1:16 says, "Because it is written, Be ye holy for I am holy." Holiness is not an option for the person that is wanting to go to Heaven. It is a necessity. The work of the church is to save souls and make disciples to keep the work of the Lord going until He comes back for His bride, the church. And according to the Bible, the church He is coming back for will not have a spot of a blemish. If you are looking for a ministry that teaches and preaches the word of God as it is written. If you are looking for a ministry that will not use you or your family. If you are looking for a ministry that does not glorify the flesh of mankind. If you are looking for a church that will help you be what the Bible says God's people are to be, then Steadfast Apostolic Church is the Church for you. Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to continue in the things he had learned and been assured of. He told Timothy to preach the word and be instant in season and out of season. Paul told Timothy that a time would come when people will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and these teachers shall turn away ears from the truth (II Timothy 4:1-4. We do not Lord over God's souls. But we will teach the truth of the Bible and teach the truth of the Bible; line upon line upon line and precept upon precept upon precept. Praise the Lord Pastor Webb Steadfast Apostolic Church 210-262-3506 [email protected] P.O. Box 700556 San Antonio,Tx. 78270
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