I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
This is a call back. A call back to go back to doing that which the Lord wants and not what man wants. Has it been forgotten why the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross? Has it been forgotten why Jesus paid the price for sin? Has it been forgotten? Has the church become a man made, man led 'system'? Where man makes the rules. Where man establishes what should and should not be preached or taught concerning the Lord's church. There are so many now that make a mockery of the church. But what they are mocking is the pretenders that are able to deceive souls into following them. And to the one that does not know the Lord, they think its God's church and it is not! Many are being deceived by the pretenders. This is a call back. Go back to seeking the Lord on your face until you find Him. Go back to fasting (not dieting) to get back in fellowship with the Lord. Go back to GOING TO THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE SAINTS like God said to do. Go back to studying the Bible for your self and ask God to lead you to a Holy Ghost filled church where you can go to Bible study and learn. No, as individuals we can not remove all the deceivers. But we can warn the people about them. God called men and women have been sounding the alarm for decades. And the multitudes called them 'old school' or 'out of touch with the generation' or 'irrelevant'. My Lord. Come back. Come back before it is too late. When God destroyed the world with the flood the first time, it is recorded in the book of Genesis chapter 6 and verse five that God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. In verse 7 God said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air: for it repented me that I have made them". In verse 12, the Bible says, "and God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt; for ll flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth." And who did God spare? Noah. Why? Because he found grace in the eyes of the Lord. And how did Noah find grace in the eyes of the Lord? "He walked with God"- verse 9. And because Noah walked with God, God let Noah know that he was going to destroy all flesh because the earth was filled with violence through them (verse 13). What's the condition of mans heart today? Is not violence filling the earth one more time by the hands of men? Come back, before it is too late. Because Noah walked with God, God advised Noah what to do to prepare for the destructing that was going to come upon the earth. This post is an attempt to warn because God is going to do the same thing again but it will not be water this time (II Peter 3:10). Come back to doing things the the Lord said to0.
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